Sengoku rance kenshin route
Sengoku rance kenshin route

sengoku rance kenshin route

Vassaling a gourd-owning house breaks their gourd as an end of turn event rather than a start of turn one, so this is how we can skip the gourd-breaking start of turn event on Turn 15. Said start of turn event always triggers on the start of Turn 15 in this run, so the latest that we can do this is Turn 14. Vassal the Akashi House before the second gourd breaks in a start of turn event.We'd love to vassal them and speed up Suzume's introduction as well, but the Kenshin route cannot be entered unless you've conquered Ashikaga. Doing this hurries the game's start of turn events, the first of which is the cherry blossom event on the start of Turn 9. Conquer the Ashikaga House before Turn 8.To get Shikibu's event as soon as possible, we make the following optimizations: The key bottleneck is the event that introduces Apostle Shikibu, which itself requires Xavier to have swallowed three gourds.


There's no hard requirement in the code that checks for your turn count, but there are so many start of turn events that must be seen before you can enter the route that Turn 22 ends up being the earliest possible. You just can't enter the Kenshin route before Turn 22. Why Turn 22 is the Earliest Possible Route Entry You do not need to copy my turn-by-turn playthrough. If you create a run that satisfies all of the constraints given in these sections, it will get the same results as mine. Trouble is, that's such a bold claim that I know that I'm going to have to give some evidence. I'm convinced that it's impossible to beat the Kenshin route in fewer than 27 turns.

  • 3.12 Conquer Shinano and nowhere that borders it?īefore showing the run, I first want to explain why it is the way that it is.
  • 3.10 Less End of Turn Event optimization?.
  • 3.2 Win Countless Battles in Three Turns?.
  • 1.5 What Must Be Done Before Route Entry?.
  • 1.2 Why Six Turns is the Shortest Possible Kenshin Route (post-entry).
  • 1.1 Why Turn 22 is the Earliest Possible Route Entry.
  • As you read through this, you will most likely discover how angry I am about Nozomi. The rage that you feel when you figure out that you had a test run wasted by some silly technicality is unparalleled. I don't know if I can recommend designing LTC runs to anyone else. After all, once Kenshin is the the Emperor, you have no time constraints in the Kenshin route as long as you don't conquer anywhere owned by the Demon Army. If somebody wanted to, you could probably dumb this guide down a bit, remove some of the RNG, add some points running tricks, and turn this guide in to an easy way to get over 200 points. Still, it's better than the typical "just speedrun the Ran route" strategy that I often recommend to newcomers who just need enough points runs to make their first few 5 Star games easy. This run happens to be the best points run that I've ever done - 173, I think? - but that's more of a testament to the fact that I've never done a real points run than it is anything else. I don't think that there is any room to make this run even faster, but there are a few ideas in the final section. At just 27 Turns, it's the fastest Kenshin route that I've ever seen and it's very close to the only other SR LTC run that I've seen, which was KTM in 24 Turns.

    sengoku rance kenshin route

    This guide is my punishment for saying that. Back in my 5SNB guide, I said that Lowest Turn Count (LTC) runs might be more challenging than 5SNB.

    Sengoku rance kenshin route